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Inspire and deliver lasting engagement.



Creative work is only as good as its reach. We create and deliver advertising campaigns to raise awareness, drive preference and build loyalty for your brand. Our work combines originality and relevance, aligning every message with your business strategy to develop lasting brand equity.

Event planning & design

We work seamlessly with our clients' event teams or bring industry experts to help get their show on the road. Applying our creative work to the latest in brand experience and activation, we ensure your budget is spent effectively with clearly defined goals and monitoring of results.

Branded content, photography & video

We turn your brand story into something your audience can’t get enough of, working with top photographers, videographers and editors. The process always begins with your brand: what it stands for, its relevance to your audience and the possibilities of the medium.

Media & PR

Whether we are collaborating with your in-house team or your go-to guru, or bringing our own crew into the project, achieving (the right kind of) visibility can be a difference maker. Secure relevant eyeballs, using data analytics and key industry connections, to get the best return on your investment regardless of your budget.

Social media strategy

When the rules of the game are constantly changing, it pays to have an expert by your side. Our strategists are constantly scanning the social media landscape to identify the right opportunities for every client, building traction and positive brand sentiment for your business.

Designate team members discussing marketing strategy.

Engagement boils down to this: creating a spark in your audience to compel them to listen, act or believe. This is where the rubber hits the road and all creative work is ultimately put to the test.

The good news? These days, nearly every marketing initiative can be measured, creating a virtuous cycle of continuous tweaks and improvements.

The bad news? It’s getting harder and harder to be noticed, remembered and trusted.

At Designate we understand that this new reality demands working with the best. In areas like data analytics, video editing and PR, we have built a strong network of collaborators, highly experienced and suitable for any project, budget and ambition.

Ultimately, Designate is the team to trust with your brand and investor communications. A passionate group of strategists, creatives and account managers ready to help you shorten the distance between your business and your audience.

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