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Sustainability & Annual Report


Graincorp is a diversified Australian agribusiness, with integrated operations spanning four continents and a proud history of more than 100 years. In 2021 Designate partnered with Graincorp to communicate the measures that they are undertaking to lead the way in sustainable agriculture.

The challenge

The agriculture industry is at the forefront of the challenges posed by climate change, and as one of Australias largest agribusinesses, Graincorp have a responsibility to effectively communicate their efforts in good ESG management to their stakeholders. As international ESG reporting standards and frameworks continue to evolve, it was vital for GrainCorp to present its ESG reporting in a uniform and transparent manner.

The solution

Designate helped Graincorp take an entirely new approach to their Sustainability Report, clearly communicating the things that they are already doing, identifying areas where more work is required and setting a clear path to complete that work.

The new approach presents Graincorps ESG reporting in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) frameworks, alongside the material ESG topics identified by their key stakeholders. It is designed to create a flexible reporting framework that will accommodate GrainCorp’s diverse business portfolio, communicating the way that sustainability provides the foundation for the Company’s Vision and Purpose and is integral to their strategy and culture.

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Creative Direction & Design Application
Content Strategy
Information Architecture
Annual Report Design & Print
Sustainability Reporting