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Annual Reporting Suite 2020


2020 was a story of sustained and responsible growth for Newcrest. Designate brought this message to life in print and online to showcase their extraordinary financial, operational and ESG achievements.

The challenge

As one of the world’s largest gold mining companies, Newcrest need to demonstrate a balanced approach to financial and operational performance, with their responsibility to act ethically and transparently at all times.

The solution

Designate emphasised Newcrest's story of responsible growth through data visualisations, illustrating a track record of sustained increases in reserves, production and return for shareholders, with zero fatalities or life-changing injuries and reduced environmental impact. In the printed Annual Report we used a metallic gold ink to celebrate successful performance, and we took the opportunity to integrate dedicated Annual Reporting pages into the Newcrest corporate website, ensuring that the content is readily accessible and optimised for any device.

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The reporting suite includes a comprehensive Sustainability Report and Modern Slavery Statement, demonstrating Newcrest's commitment to the safety of their employees, their environmental impact and their accountability to the communities in which they operate.

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Content Strategy
Information Architecture
Creative Direction & Design Application
Annual Report
Sustainability Reporting
Modern Slavery Statement