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Brand Creation

Azuria Partners

New challenges require new thinking. Azuria is a breath of fresh air in life insurance consulting, a new brand perfect for this moment.

The founders of Azuria Partners came to Designate looking for a brand that would capture their approach to actuarial consulting: data-driven but not numbers-obsessed, trustworthy but not stiff, unconventional but not untested. From naming to execution, Azuria leaves a mark.

The challenge

Launching a new business in a risk-averse space like actuarial consulting is no small feat. Backed by industry veterans, Azuria required a brand that would be immediately relevant in an industry at a crossroads . Life insurance companies are reassessing some foundational principles to improve profitability and drive relevance.

The solution

‘Fresh Thinking’ is a concept that places the business’ key strengths at the heart of the brand development process. Through the use of a proprietary ‘azurisk’, the Azuria brand unpacks Fresh Thinking in terms of tangible client benefits. Thus, common buzzwords like collaboration, data and expertise translate into recommendations that deliver real value for Azuria’s clients.

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The brand also allows marketing collateral to stand out from most competitors by using key elements of the design system to communicate Azuria’s key points of difference.

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Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Print Collateral
Website Development