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Investor Communications

Strategic messaging and engaging design.


Annual reports

Designate has built a reputation over the past 25 years for delivering the highest quality annual reports for Australia’s leading companies through print and digital channels. Our efficient process and strategic approach ensure accurate, innovative and creative reports that provide all stakeholder groups with a clear and timely understanding of our clients’ business plans, strategies and results.

Sustainability reports

The pressure on companies to be responsible global citizens continues to mount, with investors and advisors looking for companies with a positive record for ESG issues. Designate has over 10 years' experience of delivering comprehensive sustainability reports that help organisations build and maintain trust with their stakeholders.

Integrated reporting

Integrated reporting is enhancing the way organisations think, plan, and report the story of their business. Designate assists forward-thinking companies striving to develop and maintain resilient and responsible operations and communicate their value story to investors and other important stakeholders. Integrated Reporting can be a force for financial stability and sustainability, improving investor engagement through better information, cohesive reporting and enhanced accountability.

Virtual AGMs and roadshows

With the ever increasing use and reliance on digital communication, virtual investor events provide the ideal opportunity to broaden investor engagement and reach. Whether it be a virtual AGM, roadshow, or results presentation, Designate offers end-to-end technology, management and support services to ensure a successful event suited to your requirements.

Corporate narrative & content writing

Designate works with investor relations and senior management to define and communicate their corporate narrative. An investor brand with clear messages aligned and consistent with the long-term corporate strategy and outlook, Designate distills a complex array of impressions into a simplified, more memorable and more compelling picture.

Corporate transaction documents

As all IPO and corporate transaction documents and communications are content-complex, time-critical and highly confidential, Designate has developed specialised in-house systems and processes that are efficient, reliable and secure. Our experience and expertise enable us to understand the regulatory issues and legal constraints and also how to present a company’s key messages in the most effective and persuasive manner.

Designate directors in meeting discussing investor communications.

In an environment of increasingly complex messaging within the context of fewer analysts covering more companies, it has become critical for a company to define for itself how it is perceived  – what the business strategy is and how the company creates value. This requires more than the communication of organisational performance alone – it is best achieved through a well-defined overarching corporate story.

Over the past 25 years, Designate has built an enviable track record of working with Australia’s leading companies to connect effectively with all key stakeholders by defining and communicating clear messaging aligned and consistent with the long-term corporate strategy and outlook. Our strategic and creative approach enables companies to tell a clear and compelling company story that stands out from the crowd, enabling analysts and investors to understand the company; moving beyond the emphasis on short-term ups and downs that every company experiences and helping them to comprehend the longer-term opportunities that create value. This is especially important in troubled times.

The growth of communication opportunities for corporates has escalated over the past few years, moving from the traditional approach of producing an annual report and hosting an AGM to now engaging in best practice multi-channel message delivery.  This includes company websites, print and digital reports and reviews, corporate profiles, fact books, transaction documents, half and quarterly reports or investor newsletters as well as integrated, ESG and sustainability reports, sophisticated roadshow and investor day presentations and now even the complete commitment to social media programs.

The Designate team brings together a wealth of expertise in investor communications, combining an understanding of finance, investor relations, communications and creativity to deliver outcomes of the highest quality. To support our expert team in their commitment to our clients, Designate has developed secure systems and efficient processes to provide excellence in all brand and communication strategy, creative process, content development and multi-channel delivery for every aspect of corporate and investor communications.

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