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Annual Reporting Suite 2019

Charter Hall

Following a rebrand, the 2019 reporting suite was the first opportunity to showcase what the new Charter Hall was all about.

Charter Hall is a leading property investment management company with dozens of assets around Australia including office, retail, industrial and logistics. Every year, institutional and retail investors look at the annual report for guidance on the company’s strategy and performance.

The challenge

Change can be hard, and the first iteration of a new brand in documents as critical as annual reports can be an intimidating task. Appealing to both internal and external stakeholders, including investors, clients and suppliers, was paramount to the success of the project. 

Additionally, there was a project management challenge: to produce four documents with competing schedules in a compressed time frame, working with internal teams that were juggling competing priorities.

Charter Hall Annual Report. Front Cover.
Charter Hall Annual Report. Inside spread detail.
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Charter Hall Annual Report. Inside 'Contents' page spread.
Charter Hall Annual Report. 'Portfolio Performance' inside spread and 'FY19 Performance Highlights' inside spread detail.
Charter Hall Annual Report. 'Social Infrastructure' and 'Direct' inside spreads.

The solution

A clear understanding of client requirements and anticipation of potential roadblocks was essential to a successful project outcome. At kick-off, goals for the suite were confirmed and a framework for achieving those goals was put in place. This ensured that work in progress during the project could be measured against the overarching aims, and any tangents or distractions were avoided.  

Creatively, Designate explored concepts that championed the new brand and elevated the message rather than confused it. Key elements such as colour, imagery and illustrations were combined to produce a stunning suite of four documents that work individually and as a whole.

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Charter Hall Annual Report. Retail REIT, Long WALE REIT and Education Trust front covers.
Charter Hall Annual Report. Inside spread page designs overview.
Content Strategy
Creative Direction & Design Application
Print Production & Distribution