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Integrated Reporting: How to make a successful transition

Investor communications

The Australian reporting landscape is constantly evolving, and the pace of transformation is only accelerating. There is now more demand than ever for organisations to act as responsible global citizens and communicate information on deeper and more nuanced levels beyond pure financial measures. This is where Integrated Reporting comes in.

Integrated Reporting <IR> is a holistic business initiative and a natural evolution in the way organisations think, plan and report on the information that matters most to their stakeholders.

In order to successfully transition to <IR>, organisations must plan and execute this evolution strategically, carefully considering its impact on all aspects of the business. After all, Integrated Reporting is more than just a framework — it is a significant change at three interconnected levels.

1. A new mindset: Integrated Thinking

A holistic consideration of your organisation’s business model and strategy, including all inputs, outputs, relationships and resources that affect its ability to create sustainable value for stakeholders.

2. A new process: Integrated Reporting

An assessment of whether your organisation needs to adjust its systems and processes in order to capture and report on the information <IR> requires.

3. A new outcome: Integrated Report delivery

A clear and concise report that effectively communicates your organisation’s sustainable value creation story, and the key drivers that make it possible.

What is the link between <IR> and Investor Brand?

Integrated Reporting strengthens an organisation’s Investor Brand through clear, transparent and effective communication that builds trust and inspires engagement. It allows your organisation to make more informed business decisions due to an entity-wide understanding of the organisation’s strategy, business model and core value drivers.


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Ben Fletcher

Managing Director
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